2020 was full of lessons about coping with the unexpected and finding joy in the people we love. It seems that a lot of us have been waiting to say goodbye to 2020, looking forward to more hopeful times and the light at the end of the tunnel. And as we get ready to enter 2021, a lot of people are wondering how to mark this occasion. While this year won’t be like previous New Years, there is still plenty we can do to prepare for a fresh start ahead!

Last New Years

This time last year I was in New York City, taking in the lights and getting ready to welcome the New Year. I had the pleasure of visiting the Plaza Hotel for a fun evening with family, friends, and champagne (obviously!). I was ready for 2020. I had plans to embrace the new year with vigour and determination…interior design was on my mind. It was a lovely time, but nothing could have prepared me for the year that laid ahead. I hope that next year I’ll be able to return to NYC to take in more design and visit the Plaza Hotel again!


Bringing in 2021

Many of us have trouble imagining a New Year’s celebration without big parties and fireworks. While we won’t be able to celebrate as usual, there is still plenty we can do to start 2021 with the right mindset:

Set Intentions for the New Year

Setting intentions is useful no matter what time of year it is. Ask yourself questions like, who am I, what kind of life do I want to lead, and what can help me get there? These could be concrete goals (e.g. buying a house, changing jobs, getting in shape, etc), or more internal goals (e.g. practicing patience, starting meditation, etc). It’s good to lead life with intention and mindfulness, to help us cope with the unexpected.

Be Realistic

If there’s one thing we’ve all learned this year, it’s that you can plan all you want, but life will always have plans of its own. Realistically, life is not going to instantly get better on January 1st. Be realistic with how much you can actually predict for 2021, and aim to be kind to yourself with whatever may come your way. Making peace with the unexpected is definitely one of my 2021 goals!

Celebrate Safely

Although big parties have been cancelled, there’s nothing stopping you from getting a bottle of champagne to pop at home! Get dressed up, treat yourself to your favorite food, play some great music, and make a night of it! If you live alone, try to organize a video call with people you love. Alternatively, focus more on New Year’s Day. Plan to relax, clean your space, eat well, and really start off 2021 on the right foot!

A Lesson in Design

Life is much like Interior Design. You prepare for the design by finding inspiration, making plans, and setting goals. And once the project begins, unexpected twists and turns are sure to come your way. Maybe the paint color isn’t what you expected it to be. Maybe the sofa just doesn’t quite fit in the space. When you encounter these problems, the solution is not to throw the entire design away. You work with the mistakes, you reorder the sofa, and you keep trying until the design is perfect…in all its imperfections.

We can plan and set goals, but life has surprises for us, Global Pandemic or not. Let’s prepare to take those surprises and get ready to turn them into something beautiful. I’m confident that 2021 will be brighter for all of us. So get your champagne, and have a very happy New Year!